Everyone seems to have a different experience, here’s mine.
I woke up to a bit of exciting news on May 1. My Medium story Tips for Fungi Photography (external link) received The Boost. Yay!
If you don’t know what a Boost is, it’s a new feature on Medium where publication editors can suggest your story for Medium to promote more through their suggested reads.
It was very nice to receive. I originally published the story on April 19. It had a whole 17 views but had flatlined in the stats department since April 25. Which made the boost benefits really obvious.
At first, I was a little skeptical, but I sat and watched my stats all day… And fairly regularly for the next few days too.
It’s settled down now, I think there will still be a bit of a trickle going forward, but the majority of boost juice has worn off.
So what happens to a boosted story when it’s in a smaller category (photography) by an author who has less than 500 followers?
In 11 days, it gained me an extra 633 views and just over $12 in earnings.
It also let me hit a few goals.
- This month will be the first month I’ve earnt over $10.
- It is my first story to have over 50 fans.
- It’s also my first story to get over 1000 claps.
- It became my highest earning story.
At an estimation, I’ve received approximately 20–25 followers and 3 subscribers from being boosted.
A pretty fair effort from a boost on the smaller side of town.