Struggling for ideas on what to write? 

Need writing ideas?
Use what you already have!
Need writing ideas?

This is the first part of a series of coming up with ideas for when you have no idea what to write next.

When you want to publish more often and consistently it can be hard to come up with new ideas all the time.

Writer’s block is real.

And while going for walks in the forest, or having a hot relaxing bath is great (and it does work), there are also a few hands-on things you can do to trigger some brain sparks.

The first one I want to suggest is for those of you who write on Medium.

Medium has an interesting feature where people can highlight parts of your story. This gives you an insight into what resonated with your readers.

You can see highlights on other stories from the people you follow too.

Use these highlights as inspiration to write something more in-depth, a starting point for a completely new story, or a sentence to convert into a headline.

You have a visual indicator of what your readers like right in front of you. Use that to your advantage.