Never Run Out of Writing Ideas Again

Let's stalk people
A trick for non-fiction and informative writers
Let's stalk people

We’ve all been there at some point. Trying to write a story per day, or at least a certain amount per month to grow our views. But today… I’ve come up blank. How is this sustainable?

Here’s a trick I’ve just started using when I feel like writing but have no idea what to focus on.

Find out what people are wanting to know.

Go to your favorite Medium accounts, blogs, Twitter feeds, and YouTube accounts. Anywhere others write on the same topic as you, and find the ones with large amounts of followers.

Go to their comments section and see if they normally respond to people. Chances are they don’t, a lot of the bigger accounts simply don’t have time to reply to everyone. I guarantee they skim through the comments though because a lot of questions get asked.

And that’s where the gold is.

Where can I go to get …?
What’s the process you use to …?
What do you think about …?
Which do you prefer …?
How do you …?
What is the difference between …?
I can’t get … where I am, is there a good alternative?

If the top writers in your topic don’t get many comments or questions, or if you want a bit more variety, find other places people ask, like Reddit, or use Google’s predictive search function.

The bonus of this is even if you don’t get a ton of views straight away on your story, when these questions are asked in Google your articles will be coming up at the top of searches. And if they’re always common questions, then you’ll get views on your story for a long time.